August 2024

Healing from Polarization: Understanding the Roots of Extremism in Our Personal and Socio-Political Lives

In our increasingly divided world, it’s easy to see how polarized views dominate socio-political discourse. Whether in politics, religion, or social issues, people seem more entrenched in their beliefs than ever before. But what drives this polarization? Why do some individuals and groups cling so fiercely to black-and-white thinking, unable to see the nuance in […]

Healing from Polarization: Understanding the Roots of Extremism in Our Personal and Socio-Political Lives Read More »

Critical Evaluation of the Two Opposing Positions on Open Border Migration According to the Five-Stage Model of Civilization

Migration is a complex and often divisive topic, with passionate arguments on both sides. To navigate this issue, it’s helpful to understand it through a broader lens. Roland Kim’s Five-Stage Model of Civilization offers a framework for evaluating how societies evolve in their attitudes toward migration. Roland Kim’s Five-Stage Model of Civilization Overview: Anti-Migration Perspective:

Critical Evaluation of the Two Opposing Positions on Open Border Migration According to the Five-Stage Model of Civilization Read More »