Roland Kim

Healing from Polarization: Understanding the Roots of Extremism in Our Personal and Socio-Political Lives

In our increasingly divided world, it’s easy to see how polarized views dominate socio-political discourse. Whether in politics, religion, or social issues, people seem more entrenched in their beliefs than ever before. But what drives this polarization? Why do some individuals and groups cling so fiercely to black-and-white thinking, unable to see the nuance in […]

Healing from Polarization: Understanding the Roots of Extremism in Our Personal and Socio-Political Lives Read More »

Critical Evaluation of the Two Opposing Positions on Open Border Migration According to the Five-Stage Model of Civilization

Migration is a complex and often divisive topic, with passionate arguments on both sides. To navigate this issue, it’s helpful to understand it through a broader lens. Roland Kim’s Five-Stage Model of Civilization offers a framework for evaluating how societies evolve in their attitudes toward migration. Roland Kim’s Five-Stage Model of Civilization Overview: Anti-Migration Perspective:

Critical Evaluation of the Two Opposing Positions on Open Border Migration According to the Five-Stage Model of Civilization Read More »

Comparison of Karl Popper ‘s open Society in Relatio to Roland Kim’s Stage 5 Society

An “open society” is a concept popularized by philosopher Karl Popper, referring to a society characterized by a high degree of political and personal freedom, transparency, and tolerance of different opinions and lifestyles. In an open society, the government is responsive and accountable to the people, and institutions are transparent and open to scrutiny. Citizens

Comparison of Karl Popper ‘s open Society in Relatio to Roland Kim’s Stage 5 Society Read More »

How do survivors with untreated/un-neutralized hostility from traumas deny/numb it through addiction, implode at themselves, or explode at others?

How important is it to process the trauma experienced? Well-intentioned people as trauma survivors often reenact similar traumas on themselves or others, including their own siblings or children, due to the improper processing of their own traumas; therefore, the survivors’ ability to break the cycle of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intergenerational transmission of trauma may depend

How do survivors with untreated/un-neutralized hostility from traumas deny/numb it through addiction, implode at themselves, or explode at others? Read More »

Empathy is love!

Empathy is the most effective form of love for all nurturing and healing relationships that must precede any boundary enforcement. We humans lack effective empathy skills essential for maintaining or repairing damaged/disconnected relationships.Therefore, empathy must be trained as the most advanced communication/parenting skill. What is the highest level of compassion?  It is empathy at Stage

Empathy is love! Read More »

A1. An Integrated Theory of Personality Development

The theory of an individual’s emotional/ personality development, proposed here, results from integrating various developmental psychology and psychoanalytic theories. The outlined integration of theories of human emotional development has revealed relative consistency between them. This chapter will review various theories from classical and contemporary psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology before integrating them to derive a theory of

A1. An Integrated Theory of Personality Development Read More »

Mental health services have not been available for many AAPI and other minorities even before the pandemic: Korean immigrant family perspective

  Mental health services have not been available for many AAPI and other minorities even before the pandemic: Viewed from Korean immigrants and their families’ perspective. Since the pandemic, there has been an increase in depression, anxiety, substance use, and suicidality (CDC, 2020 June). With various mental issues on the rise during the pandemic, there are

Mental health services have not been available for many AAPI and other minorities even before the pandemic: Korean immigrant family perspective Read More »

What can be an empathic (Stage 5) solution to the problem of homelessness?

Homelessness has been an issue for many cities in the world’s most socio-culturally advanced countries. Officials in these countries have had no clue how to solve the problem except to clear the street by driving the homeless out, after which they would return. The irony is that people seem more generous toward stray cats and

What can be an empathic (Stage 5) solution to the problem of homelessness? Read More »

What happened to the empathic ability of the Uvalde police officers? Test your own empathy by observing your response to this video here!

You may wonder what happened to the empathic ability of the police officers at the Uvalde shooting. We can use the 5 stage empathy model to understand their action at the time. Every human being has the survival need to meet in a dangerous situation. When the police officers were reluctant to break into the

What happened to the empathic ability of the Uvalde police officers? Test your own empathy by observing your response to this video here! Read More »

Empathy Controversy: When Two different empathy concerns collide.

Isn’t feeding the homeless an empathic act? El Cajon police arrest 9 people for feeding the homeless – Jan. 14th, 2018 Isn’t feeding the homeless an empathic act? How about housing a runaway child at your place or feeding a stray cat or pigeons living under a neighbor’s roof? When two empathic concerns collide, we

Empathy Controversy: When Two different empathy concerns collide. Read More »