Examples of the Countries in 5 Stages

Stage 0: Authoritarian - Dependent Matriarchal Collectivist Society

At Matriarchal Agrarian Communo-centric Collectivist society at Stage 0, authoritarian leaders guarantee the survival in life in exchange for compliance, trust, and loyalty. In this regard, an ideal society might be one with a benevolent but authoritarian, matriarchal leader who is trusted by society at large. Members at this stage experience a union or fusion with the society they belong to and, as a result, lack any motivation to change as long as they feel secure and nurtured. 


Stage 1: Authoritarian - Dependent Patriarchal Collectivist Traditional Society

At Communo-centric Authoritarian-Dependent Collectivist society, authoritarian leaders protect members from external threats in exchange for compliance, trust, and loyalty. 

In this regard, an ideal society might be one with a benevolent but authoritarian, patriarchal leader who is trusted by society at large. Members at this stage experience a union or fusion with the in-group they belong to and, as a result, lack any motivation to change as long as they feel secure and nurtured by the group leadership. 

Stage 2: Competitive-Counter-dependent Collectivist Reformative Society

At Stage 2, or (the Ego-centric) Competitive-Narcissistic Collectivist society, members attempt to break away from the Authoritarian-Dependent Collectivist society by embarking on an explorative or imperialistic mission searching for more happiness, pleasure, profit, or an unclaimed right for ownership of properties. Members at this stage tend to have an inflated, false sense of pride and confidence based on an unrealistic assessment of their ability and power. Additionally, they tend to be emotionally and financially dependent on the group. In this regard, they may display narcissistic or egotistic tendencies while being in denial of any fear or anxiety regarding the consequences of their actions. The feelings of protection and permissiveness they receive from the rest of their society provide them with the impetus to venture into an unknown, risky world far removed from their traditional socio-cultural boundaries

Stage 3: Cooperative-Socio-dependent Collectivist Society

At Stage 3, or (the Socio-centric) Cooperative-Socio-dependent Collectivist society, members attempt to accommodate the collectivist ideal rather than rebel against it. Members here have learned from their failures and the consequences of narcissistic adventures into the unknown world (while they were at Stage 2). At this stage, members are anxious about gaining social approval, favoring harmony with others through strict adherence to the rules/law, cooperation, and sacrifice for others or the society. They may feel guilty when they cannot meet society’s moral and ethical demands and, thus, strive for orderliness, cleanness, and perfection. In this regard, they are likely to adhere strictly to rules and regulations to meet this ideal. 

Stage 4: Libertarian-Independent Individualist Democratic Society

At Stage 4, or (the Person-centric) Libertarian-Independent Individualist Democratic society, members are emotionally independent and separated by implicit emotional
. As a result of this emotional independence, members are liberated (or
atoned) from feelings of guilt
 or anxiety about not meeting social
expectations. They are capable of communicating directly, expressing their social and emotional positions explicitly. They are also able to enter into contracts and compromise with one another. Their emotional independence, not only from others but also from society, allows them to respect others’ rights and boundaries and express genuine feelings of gratitude and apology when necessary. Democracy
 is well-suited to members at this stage, given their self-awareness and emotional maturity. In this regard, members can be
responsible for themselves, respectful of others’ political
 rights, and resolving conflicts through communication or, if that fails, through legal resources.

Stage 5: Collaborative - Actualizing Inclusive Community

At Stage 5, or (the Community-centric) Collaborative Actualizing Inclusive (Diverse) community, given that members are now emotionally independent of one another, they now interact to pursue their social ideals and vision collectively. In the process, they actualize their talents (May, Rogers, Maslow, 1986) to tackle their common existential anxiety (not clinical anxiety) of living in an uncertain human world. Regardless of gender, religion, age, or sexual orientation, they may favor collaboration in a bid to maximize the majority as well as the underprivileged minority members’ happiness through the provision of welfare systems, using the government to implement a policy that works towards the common interest.